A Badger Product
Category: Engineering Tools (Page 2 of 3)
When younger, I was off hunting along a swamp, and came across those sets of little grass hillocks in a bog. They might keep your boots dry, if you could hop from one to the next. I tried for a while to be tricky and pick out a humpy path to cross more comfortably, but soon just decided it was far better just to slog straight through the water to get where needed. My micro-lesson to myself was that it’s often better to embrace a bit of physical discomfort in exchange for a better outcome.

Friendly Wisconsin Swamp (Photo: Joshua Mayer)
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Translation device. Apparently
Take the difficulty of communicating with other engineers, or, heaven forbid, non-technical staff, in your own organization and culture, and then multiply that by several orders of magnitude to communicate with other organizations, across time zones, possibly in second languages. How can we employ some simple hacks to the structure of our language so it does not become a barrier?
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